Supporting Our Heroes For A Better Tomorrow

What Are We

Veterans United Aid is a community-based organization, helping to transition US Veterans to a better quality of life, one step at a time.

Veterans United Aid is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization serving the needs of US Veterans residing in California and across the US.

  • Provide Mental Health Care and Counseling

    Deliver comprehensive mental health care and counseling services tailored for the Veterans, encompassing individual therapy, group sessions, and crisis intervention support.

  • Provide Basic Supplies

    Supply essential resources like clothing, toiletries, and personal hygiene items to Veterans facing hardship, ensuring their basic needs are met with dignity and respect.

  • Provide Career Counseling

    Extend specialized career counseling and robust support services, spanning resume crafting, job search facilitation, and interview readiness training.

  • Help Secure Housing

    Facilitate veterans in locating and securing affordable housing options, fostering stability and a sense of homecoming.

Change the lives of our veterans. Your financial assistance guarantees our veterans' prosperous and secure futures.